How to get a Utente (Public Healthcare) Number in Portugal in 5 Easy Steps

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    Portugal's healthcare system, known as the Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS), is renowned for its high quality and accessibility. As an expat or legal resident, you can benefit from this system by registering for public healthcare. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process in ten simple steps.

    Understanding the Portuguese Healthcare System

    The SNS is Portugal's public healthcare system, similar to the NHS in the UK or the public healthcare systems in other European countries. It provides a wide range of services, from general practitioner appointments to specialist consultations and hospital care. Once you have your SNS number, also known as the utente number, you can access these services.

    Eligibility for the Portuguese Healthcare System

    Anyone who is a legal resident in Portugal can register for public healthcare. This includes expats who have obtained residency through Portugal's D2 Entrepreneur, D7 Passive Income, or D8 Digital Nomad program (check the Portuguese type of visas).

    How to Register for Public Healthcare in Portugal

    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to register for public healthcare in Portugal:

    1. Gather necessary documents: You'll need your passport, proof of residency, NIF number (Portuguese tax number), Social Security number (if you have one), and a Portuguese phone number.

    2. Find your local health center (Centro de Saúde): Use Google Maps or ask locals to find the health center nearest to your residence.

    3. Visit the Centro de Saúde: Take your documents to the health center. You may need to take a ticket and wait for your turn (the Portuguese LOVE these ticket machines!).

    4. Submit your documents: The staff at the health center will check your documents and ask you some basic questions.

    5. Receive your SNS (Utente) number: Once your documents are verified, you'll be given a paper with your SNS number.

    Understanding the SNS Number (Utente Number)

    The SNS number, or utente number, is a unique identifier that allows you to access healthcare services in Portugal. It's similar to a Social Security number in the U.S. or a National Insurance number in the U.K.

    Accessing Healthcare Services in Portugal

    With your SNS number, you can book appointments with general practitioners, specialists, and even hospital services. You can also get prescriptions for medication. Some services may require a small fee.

    Private Healthcare in Portugal

    In addition to the public healthcare system, Portugal also has a robust private healthcare sector. Many expats choose to get private health insurance for faster service, more options, and access to English-speaking doctors. Popular providers include Médis, Multicare Fidelidade, and international providers like Cigna Global and Allianz Care.


    Is healthcare free in Portugal?

    While healthcare in Portugal is not entirely free, it is heavily subsidized. You may need to pay a small fee for certain services and prescriptions.

    Can I get private healthcare in Portugal?

    Yes, you can get private healthcare in Portugal. Many expats choose to do so for faster service and more options.

    How do you get a numero de utente in Portugal?

    You can get a numero de utente, or SNS number, by registering at your local health center with the necessary documents.

    Is SNS number the same as utente in Portugal?

    Yes, the SNS number and utente number are the same thing in Portugal.

    How much does private health insurance cost in Portugal?

    The cost of private health insurance in Portugal varies depending on your age, health condition, and thelevel of coverage you choose. It's best to get a quote from several providers to compare prices.

    Can foreigners get health insurance in Portugal?

    Yes, foreigners who are legal residents in Portugal can get both public healthcare and private health insurance.


    Registering for public healthcare in Portugal is a straightforward process that gives you access to a wide range of health services. Whether you're an expat or a long-term visitor, it's worth taking the time to register and ensure you're covered in case of illness or injury. With this guide, you'll be well-prepared to navigate the Portuguese healthcare system.

    References and Additional Resources

    For more information on healthcare in Portugal, check out the official SNS website (in Portuguese) or our in-depth guide to Portuguese healthcare. For private health insurance, consider comparing quotes from different providers to find the best coverage for your needs.

    Wanna know more about Portugal and the Portuguese life? Thinking of moving to Portugal? Questions on visas? Healthcare? Expat life? Where you should live? Download our “Portugal Beckons - Book”, read by over 700 expat

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